Monday, September 2, 2013



I am a Muslim so how do I pray?
Kneeling on my knees talking to God.
You are a Christian how do you pray?
You pray on your knees to God as well? 
I am a Muslim I lean forward in prayer
You are Jewish and do that as well?

I have a Holy book filled with the last words from God.
You have a Bible that came before ours,
You have a Torah that started it all,
but all books combined are the words from the same God.
Why do you hate my book it has the same author as yours!

I am a Muslim, our woman sometimes wear a hijab
but it gets scary with all the ugly glances directed at me.
You are a Christian you like to wear a cross?
People have never hurt you with silence when you walk up.
You are a Jew and free to wear religious symbols .
No one curses you for your devotion?

I am Muslim, I try to live my days mindful of God
Now my time is making sure no one is lurking trying to do my family harm.
Your a Christian you don't worry of these things?
How nice and how peaceful to have fearless freedom to pray.
You are Jew? Your religion was once a target?
Do you have any advice for our unwanted brothers?

I am a Muslim. You are a Christian. And you are a Jew.
We all have the same basic Holy vision
but we have different living conditions.
I look and I see you peacefully living together.
Why do you question me and my people?
Why am I not welcome at your table?
Why are my tokens of my devotion to God
looked as some sort of radical political statement?

Yes some people who said they were Muslim did very bad things
but so have your people at different times, different days.
But the world certainly doesn't hate your religion or mistreat its innocent victims.
Those bad guys I promise did not live like a real Muslim!

I am a Muslim, a victim of hate just for how I pray
but God teaches me to love you anyway.
I am a Muslim, we grew from the roots of your faiths
so I will respect you because you are a part of my extended and growing faith.

I am a Muslim and I have HOPE because I pray.
You are a Christian and have PEACE with your faith.
You are a Jew and with prayer COMES ease.

I pray one day we can all come together
I HOPE PEACE COMES and we share it together!

Cherokee Harrows

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I must say, this poem really touched my heart. I am a Muslim girl.Just a few days ago at school, I said "hi" to a student's brother and the mother got shocked and said to her son "she speaks". Now, reading this poem, really made me happy and brought a smile to my face.
    I was just scrolling down the internet, searching for a classmates government blog that is due next week, when I came across your blog.
    Thank You... for simply being a talented poet and writing that poem.
