Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Segregation is allowed?

The landscape and culture of a city is vastly different from each section of blocks to the next. You can see this subtle change at each red light you stop at as you travel further down a street in your town. Different people. Different economic features. Different attributes of the city and different failures as well. From the bustling cars to the multitude of eccentric vociferous people at certain areas of a town. It is a bubbling brewing charismatic flavor that rises through the air perfuming each section of a city with its own unique aroma. Visitors come and feel this energy and art of each whirlpool of culture spinning within our city and think how charming, how lovely, how great. But for the actual natives we see that each section that spins is really cut off and alone from the other parts. My next piece I am working on to post will be on the topic
 "Does Segregation still Exist?"

Maybe not in the form of a wooden sign reading WHITES ONLY but segregation is still wildly seen within a city and is the causality of a sparsely funded educational system, a ignored economic rehabilitation structure, and a densely populated system full of broken people who are not receiving proper mental help. 

I am excited to present a new series that will focus on the continued segregation of a city that was on the front lines of the Civil Rights and now on the front lines of most violent cities. Why is there still so many lines drawn in the sand in our modern city?

Segregation of a City
:A drive down Main Street 

Have a Happy Pineapple Day

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